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# Article Title Author
121 The God of the Gospel George Neilly
122 In Spirit and in Truth Raymond McNeill
123 The Levitical Offerings Denis Bickerstaff
124 He was wounded, we are healed Jim Flanigan
125 The Saved Man Jim Allen
126 Felix Trembled Sam Jennings
127 Why we must be saved Hedley Murphy
128 The Gospel Jim Allen
129 The pool of Bethesda Leonard Mullan
130 Blind Bartimaeus Philip Davidson
131 Three words Mark Jamison
132 A great love, a great Gift, a great choice Eric Hull
133 Words of Christ David Radcliffe
134 The Only Saviour Warren Ewing
135 Forgiveness, a Friend, a Future Roland Pickering
136 The Rock, the city, the river Roland Pickering
137 Pentecost Brian Ambrose
138 Calvary Raymond McNeill
139 Three Crosses Denis Bickerstaff
140 The pool of Bethesda Mervyn Wishart
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