US may accept nuclear IranPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chris Perver  
Sunday, 01 October 2006 00:00

This link from my friend Tony...

US intelligence analysts are warning President Bush that it looks increasingly likely the world will have to accept nuclear-armed Iran. Experts say that US knowledge on nuclear installations within the country are sketchy at best, and even if they were given orders to strike it wouldn't be 100% effective. This would only achieve a short term delay in the nuclear programme, and you could be sure the Iranians would make the most of any collateral damage caused during an attack. Analysts say that any achievement in delaying Iran's nuclear ambitions may be negated by Iran's threat to increase oil prices and bankrupt the West, and increase the threat of Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. 

Quote: "The biggest deterrent might come from the Israelis, not the Americans. Israeli defence sources are increasingly convinced that it will fall to them to stop a nuclear Iran. In their view Iran should not be allowed to get to the "point of no return" where it has the know-how to build a bomb. "The Israelis are going to have to make a decision earlier than we do," Clawson said. "That's a real problem for us."

So the West is once again afraid to confront the biggest threat faced by the free world since Hitler in World War II. In the end, it will be up to Israel to face Iran alone. Iran would probably not be interested in attacking the West with a nuclear bomb. Only Israel has the incentive to do something about Iran before it is too late... they have the President's promise of nuclear annihilation. 

P.S. Been feeling very spiritually tested this past week. Sunday School started again properly today and it went very well. But this past few days, each day that I was preparing for the class, I've been under terrible mental attacks, which I did not initiate but found it very difficult to break from. The Bible states that no temptation has taken us apart from that which is common to man, but God provides a way of escape (1st Cor 10:13). So you don't need to email me about this, but I appreciate your prayers, as I know many of you do pray for me, and I appreciate that very much. Thanks. 

Source Times Online
