'Democratic' Tunisia forbids ties with Israel | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
World |
Written by Chris Perver |
Tuesday, 05 July 2011 09:36 |
Six months after violent protests erupted in Tunisia, resulting in the toppling of the government and the destabilization of the entire Middle East, the so-called 'Arab Spring' has since taken on a more sinister appearance. Western leaders were quick to embrace the popular uprisings following the surprise collapse of the Tunisian government. When the tide turned against Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, President Obama was one of the first to call for his resignation. When the demonstrations reached Libya, Western European states actively supported elements fighting against Colonel Gaddafi, who was a former associate of the British government. Britain, France and the US have since become embroiled in an ever-deepening civil war in the country, which shows no signs of abating. The Western media was all in favour of the uprisings, which were described as 'pro-democracy' demonstrations, but little thought was actually given to who was behind the protesting and what kind of regime might replace these autocratic leaders. But a picture is slowly emerging, one in which Islam seems to be the dominant factor. Already Britain and the US are considering opening relations with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the group that spawned the Hamas terrorist organization, in the name of 'democracy'. And although it is still not clear how Israel's relations with Egypt will be affected, there is no doubt Egypt is now seeking to align itself more closely with Iran. Like Egypt, there was a time when Turkey enjoyed good relations with Israel. But following the election of its first Islamic prime minister, it now cites the Jewish state as a 'major threat'. Now Tunisia's new government has drafted a document declaring that they reject “any form of normalization with the Zionist state”. Quote: “An official government document cited by the AFP news agency stated that the new Tunisia is democratic, that its language is Arabic, its religion is Islam and that it rejects "any form of normalization with the Zionist state." Supporting democracy is all very well when the parties involved adhere to Western values. But when democracy results in a political party gaining power that prohibits freedom of religion and restricts the rights of women, where do you draw the line? Just a few years ago, the democratic government of Afghanistan was preparing to execute a Christian man who had converted from Islam. Sharia law stipulates that as an apostate, he must be sentenced to death. It was only after an international outcry that he was released. Freedom of democracy does not necessarily translate into the freedom of conscience where Islam is concerned. Certainly, the new Middle East seems a lot more hostile to Israel than the old one was. And the Bible declares that Libya is to be one of the states that will form an alliance against Israel in the later days (Ezekiel 38:5), along with Iran, Sudan and Turkey amongst others. So my guesses are, things are not going to go so well for Britain and the US there, despite their intervention. And it does seem that Islam will play a big part in this latter day conflict. None of the states mentioned by name as taking part in the war of Gog and Magog are Arabic states. Whether they will play a part or not, I don't know. But all of those that are mentioned by name are non-Arabic states now characterized by a deep hatred of Israel through their association with militant Islam. The Lord said that He would show us these things before they happen, so that when they come to pass, we might know that the Lord is God (Isaiah 48:5). For only He could know the future. And He reveals it to us so that we might put our trust in Him, as one who is in complete control of world events. Praise God that He is a God who can be trusted. And He is a God who cares for your future too. Have your sins been forgiven? Have you trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation today. 1st Peter 5:7 Source Israel Today, CNN |
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