God will judge the secretsPrint
The Word
Written by Jacob Chacko Kallara  
Friday, 13 November 2020 03:41
"...God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel." - Romans 2:16 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." - 2 Corinthians 5:10 Everyone will appear before Christ to be judged. Christians will appear before the Bema seat of Christ to receive reward for their works. Any work not done for the glory of Christ will burn up. But the Christian himself will be saved because we are saved by grace and not by works. When the unbelievers appear before the white throne judgment, this will be the final casting away of all evil into eternal damnation and no one will be justified by their works because they did not believe in Christ Build up your treasure in heaven, for the things we do for the glory of Christ will remain forever. Praise the Lord!