Quartet approves PA unity governmentPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Chris Perver  
Thursday, 21 September 2006 00:00

Yesterday my suspicions were confirmed that Hamas could never recognize Israel's right to exist, despite efforts to create a new Palestinian Authority government based on a coalition between Hamas and Fatah. I had stated that the will of the international community (namely the Quartet) had been frustrated by Hamas' refusal to comply with the three preconditions laid down by the group, and efforts had been made to move the goal posts for the terrorist organization. Yesterday the PA Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh confirmed those fears, after President Abbas had been claiming a new unity government would recognize Israel...

Quote: "But while Abbas lined up meetings abroad, back in Gaza Haniyeh unequivocally proclaimed, “They demand we condemn the resistance and recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. We are duty-bound to the Prisoners’ Document, which doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of the occupation. “We do not accept the Quartet’s conditions, but we also do not accept that the present situation continues,” the Palestinian prime minister told demonstrators demanding months of unpaid wages. Haniyeh’s comments only reinforced recent statements by senior Hamas elements that the party does not plan to recognize Israel.

This of course is what we've been saying for the last six months. The prisoners' document does not imply recognition of Israel (as mainstream media organizations claimed), nor does it call for an end to violence. Instead it merely places all Palestinian terrorist organizations under the authority of the PLO. Despite Haniyeh's defiance, today the Quartet (EU, UN, US, Russia) lauded Abbas' efforts to create a unity government. Yes, as I said before, the fudge we have all been waiting for has now arrived...

Quote: ""The Quartet welcomes the efforts of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to form a government of national unity, in the hope that the platform of such a government would reflect Quartet principles and allow for early engagement," UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and foreign ministers of the United States, European Union and Russia said in a statement.

Former Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom has decried the Quartet's statement, calling it a "green light to the world to speak with Hamas, without changing its stance for the destruction of Israel". Friends, it looks like the world could end up pushing Israel into an impossible situation, legitimising a terrorist organization bent on Israel's destruction. Unless the international community demands Hamas recognize Israel's right to exist, the whole situation could blow up in Israel's face a few years from now, only now with the blessing of the Quartet.

Joel 3:2 
I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and [for] my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

Source YNet News, YNet News
